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Tecumseh parts

Started by amatureleccy, July 14, 2024, 02:45:37 PM

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Hi everyone,  I am looking for a part for a Tecumseh that I am working on.  It is the screw that connects the pipe for the carburettor into the body of the machine.  From what I can google, it is part number 650451.  But I can only find it on a US based site and they do not ship to the UK.

Does anyone know where I might find one. 

Some photos whow the type of screw i am looking to find. 

Thanks all. 


That bolt holds the carb manifold onto the engine block.

A local mower shop would probably have one kicking about somewhere.  Or try a place where you can buy nuts bolts and fastener.

It's a 1/4"UNC thread by 1" long bolt, but it needs to have quite a small head otherwise you won't get the socket to fit.
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Every day is a learning day - I had to looked up the meaning of UNC - so here I am a wiser man.  I also found a UK supplier of what I think is the same screw - will let you know when it arrives.


Works perfectly - but see the the other post which describes the problems I am having finding a replacement for the Dellorto FCH20 13A carburetta.

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