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Ground preparation

Started by Superdave, December 12, 2020, 09:21:18 AM

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Morning everyone 👋

In a change of topic for me, here is a picture of my allotment:


I have been busy with work and other commitments, so my prep has suffered as a result....

Most of the plot has been dug over by me, the shed has been repaired and preserved, and I've made a little prep/play area for my boy to enjoy 😊

Problem was that after a huge effort towards the end of the summer (we only acquired the plot in late September) my commitments meant that it became quite overgrown again, especially the last 1/4 that I'd not managed to dig!

So here we are, mid December and the un dug 1/4 was 2' high with grass, and my strimmer wasn't working 😆

Luckily a mate lent me his and I attacked it with gusto last week 👍🏻

Now I've covered the whole plot with weed membrane from Screwfix (50x2 metres at £54.99) and it's good quality too. But I have questions to the professional people on here please!

After an initial rotting of the grass and the roots, what is the best way of preparing the ground?

Open question I know, but I'm looking forward to your experience and wisdom 🙏

Have fun



I'm no expert when it comes to soil prep, though I do grow my own veg in a small area in y garden each year.  Mainly runner beans, marrows, courgettes, and tomatoes, all the easy stuff really. 

I usually rotavate a few handfuls of growmore fertiliser in a couple of months before planting.  Another rotavate and rake over maybe twice just before plating starts and usually use that black weed fabric and plant through it.  I actually still have last seasons fabric down which is keeping my veg patch clear of weeds now.  I will rip that up near the spring and give the soil a good dig over before I start over this year. 

It works for me, and have really nice crops of runners etc.  I would have thought the other allotment holders would be a good source of info, so perhaps see how they do it.  ;) 
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Hey Mick 👋

Thanks for the wisdom as always, sounds like you've had some success with growing your own veg, good stuff 👍🏻

Yes our plan (that's the wife's ideas and my bloody back doing the digging...) is similar to what you describe, and simple is better we think 🤔

I'll go and dig (for victory) when it's all had a good chance to rot and make my life slightly easier!

The people on other plots have been very kind and offered us plenty, we'll be stupid to not take them up I'm sure.

Have fun and be good (so you offset me 😋) and I'll be back soon.




This is my little plot in my garden.  Just planted, and then at the top of the eight foot canes, sweetcorn at front.
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