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Hyundai hym510spe drive issues

Started by Mikezbitz, November 26, 2024, 10:34:38 AM

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Hello there
Ive been tasked as a favour by someone who done my bathroom this year to repair his lawnmower.
Ive got a few issues but something that has me stumped at the moment is the drive system. Ive replaced the cable, the drive box is working and engaging, the drive speed is working after some work but its just lacking power to drive it forward like the belt is slipping.
It does have a sprung pulley wheel on the box that im thinking could be part of the issue ive not come against one before and the belt seems a bit lose but measured up correctly. Apart from that im on research and coming up lost so any help would be greatly appreciated


Hi Mikezbitz, and welcome to TGMForum.

This system is the same as used on a lot of branded Chinese machines.  You need to make sure the split pully on the gearbox isn't hanging up and closes all the way when there's no belt pulling it open. 

Sometimes a belt will start to shred and wrap cords around the spindle making it bind or jam. Also make sure the belt is running the correct way around the two idler pulleys on the variator plate, and make sure the bearings are good. 

And one very important thing with this system. Although the belt measured correctly for length is might actually be too thin, in other words the belt might be worn on its edges, and this will make it appear to be too big, or loose.

Hope this gives you some starter points.

Also make sure the gearbox is sitting in the correct position and hasn't been tilted forward for some reason. 
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Thankyou so much for your response im eternally greatful for your insight into this.
That has given me some thought and logic to work forwards with the repair.
I may have a chance now to complete it thankyou so much.


No problem, let us know how you get on. :tup:
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Hello again
Ive had a bit of time to work on the mower today
Fixed an electrical issue and now the electric start is working again

Ive pretty much eliminated every thing apart from the belt now ive improved the drive issue but not eliminated it
The spilt pulley had no issues
I knew the belt was running the correct way as ive had it off prior
One bearing was a little sticky
The gearbox had an adjustment that i hadnt noticed bolted on to an angle plate. with a bit of manipulation ive got a little more tilt on to it.

So i shall clear a new belt with the fellow tomorrow and hope for the best


Sounds like you're getting there with that machine.  The tilt on the gearbox is pretty crucial, and it doesn't need to change much to make a difference. Luckily yours is adjustable which is great.  Some get twigs or stones jammed in the belt and it just bends the bracket and tilts the box forwards.   

Fingers crossed the belt will help.  ;)
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Had a belt delivered and fitted
Ive taken all the gearing off again and loosened it all up just to rule it out and re-adjusted the cables
Unfortunately problem is still present
I have realised something though the belt isnt slipping when its breaking down under load
It appears to be the drive box
The cable has been adjusted to the max and tested and to just engaging and tested and the problem is still present
But the box still engages
You can just see the shaft intermittently moving under load

I wonder if its worth stripping it down

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