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Countax paint code

Started by Buffy, July 30, 2023, 08:51:34 AM

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I'm new to the forum , but not new to my Countax C300H which I have owned since 2001 when it was new.

Sadly the cutting deck has deteriorated , so I have coated the inner surface with resin to prevent further rusting once the bare metal was treated and the holes welded up.

I'm trying to find the RAL paint code so I can spray the cutting deck.

Countax have not responded to my requests and web searches are not convincing !

Thoughts please ?




Hi Steve, and welcome to TGMF.

I'm not sure of the exact paint code but I can try and find out when I return to work.  Thing is the Red colour Countax use I'm sure changed a few years ago to a deeper red, and now the modern machines they paint the decks black.

I think if it was me looking for the paint I'd take a sample panel or part down to my local car paint supplier and get it colour matched, then they can either supply the paint to spray it with, or add it to aerosol cans.  This way you should have a better match for the rest of the machine which may have changed slightly with age.
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