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Messages - Mick

General Discussion / Re: Westwood T1100 brake query
November 22, 2024, 03:53:30 PM
The brake rod usually just has a lug welded to the side of it with a hole in it for the plunger to push into and lock it in place.

Regarding the axle, it's probably worn through or perhaps broken the retainer that sits in the groove in the shaft.  Hopefully you don't find any other damage in there.
General Discussion / Re: Westwood T1100 brake query
November 18, 2024, 12:20:28 PM
Sorry for late reply as I've been ill with the Flu for a couple of days.  Well I know what I'd do if if it was my own machine, but I obviously can't advise you to bypass those safety switches. But as it has no cutter deck etc.

I would certainly at least bypass the switches one at a time for diagnosis purposes.

The parking brake usually is just a plunger with spring which hooks into the brake rod while the brake is applied, it just holds it there until you push the pedal again to let the plunger pop up and release the brake. 
Introductions / Re: Introduction
November 14, 2024, 07:53:19 PM
Yep, they were.  Allen used to import a lot of garden machinery and rebrand it.  Still see the odd Allen Strimmer in for service.  ;)
Quote from: MillRat on November 14, 2024, 07:44:08 PMI went and checked. Im all set. Bell rung and everything. :)

Thank you Jeff.  :tup:
Joseph, what a great channel you have there.  I'm already subscribed as you know, but to anyone else reading this please check out Joseph's channel, and subscribe like and share., he's put a lot of work in to it.  :tup:
Introductions / Re: Introduction
November 14, 2024, 07:22:22 PM
Hi Joseph, glad to see you made it over here. Welcome to TGMF.

Roper, now that's a blast from the past.  Was It Allen Roper? I grew up on a small holding and sure the guy next door had a Roper tractor with various attachments, though I think a lot of them were home made.

We had a old TE20 Petrol Paraffin Ferguson and a Ford Dexta in the early days.
If you could be kind enough to hit the subscribe button on the TGMForum YouTube channel it would be much appreciated, and it won't cost anything to do so.

I want to get geared up for making some proper tutorial videos at some point and this will go a long way to helping me achieve this goal.

Many thanks.  :tup:

Introductions / Re: Intro
November 13, 2024, 05:57:08 PM
Hi Andy, and welcome to TGMF.

Did you mean Westwood or is it actually a Westfield?

I'll go take a look at you other post.  ;)
Ok, here's a parts breakdown,

If you look on page 6 it shows part 23 as a "Coupling-Drive", this would also double up as the nut for securing the flywheel to the crankshaft. 

So it's basically doing as it should. Hope this helps.

I don't see many of those Flymo machines nowadays, but I'm almost certain they are direct drive which means there's no clutch. I will see if I can find a parts list and take look to confirm.
Introductions / Re: Hi
November 08, 2024, 04:44:49 PM
Hi Eric, and welcome to TGMF.

I'll jump over to your post and see if I can answer your question,

On Your Bench / Re: Stihl RM545 drive cable
October 31, 2024, 10:22:39 AM
Ahh yes the little cable guide might well help if it's broken or missing, cable might be getting hooked up on the handle tube when folding. 

Regarding obtaining a cable through the correct methods, there is occasionally a slip up even with an authorised dealer. It always pays to check the new cables against the old ones before fitting.  ;) 
On Your Bench / Re: Stihl RM545 drive cable
October 30, 2024, 12:52:33 PM
Hi.  I agree the cable setup isn't good on these machines.

Does it have the correct cable fitted, as it shouldn't pull on the cable when folding the handles. There's so many different cables for these machines, some only about an inch or two different in length it's easy to get the wrong one. The dealer must look up the cable using all the numbers on the serial sticker to make sure.

I've never had to do this, but if it is the right one and the correct length etc you could try fitting some sort of cable clamp just to the cable under the hole in the deck to stop it pulling on it.

Hi, and welcome to TGMF.

Thinking your best bet would be to find a good second hand one if someone is breaking a machine for parts, that said it might be just as bad as your one.  Can yours not be welded or repaired?

I have no idea if a deck from another model or brand will fit to be honest.
On Your Bench / Re: Honda HRB535 information
October 24, 2024, 11:41:08 AM
Thanks.  You'll always be taking a gamble when the machine doesn't run, obviously you can't properly check the transmission or cutter clutch to see if they're working.  Assuming they are good it should be well worth the money.

On the other hand, if gearbox is suspect same with cutter clutch then you'll be throwing loads of money at it. And there's the fact that the engine doesn't run, hopefully just a fuel issue, but if it's a coil or something more major the same applies.

Makes me wonder why it's so cheap and why the seller doesn't get it repaired and either keep it or sell it for more.