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Wayward hayter

Started by HayterNovice, March 28, 2024, 10:39:31 PM

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Hi all I would appreciate some advice on a hayter harrier 48 ad vs 2019. It seems to kick left and right when left to drive on its own. Is it thT the roller is physically slipping causing it to switch from left to right or is it something mechanical on the split rollersystem or something else?



Hi HayterNovice, and welcome to TGMF..

It's likely to be one or both of the rollers dropping out of drive as you mentioned. You can usually see them slipping by holding the machine slightly up by the handles, engage the drive and slowly lower it to the ground observing the rollers, see if one of them is stopping.   

What is the model of your harrier? (On the silver sticker, example 490D).
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