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Where did all the customers go?

Started by Mick, December 23, 2023, 12:03:38 PM

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For the last few weeks I've noticed a sudden decline in repair work, this is the first time in over twenty six years I've seen it so quiet. even the phones are not ringing like they usually do. 

Maybe it's just the ESSEX area affected, but it's a very strange feeling.  Usually it goes dead at the beginning of the summer holidays and then starts to pick up towards the end, and then winter servicing starts, this year it's just stopped like someone flicked a switch. It's quite worrying to be honest.

How's everyone else doing? 
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Hi Mick, hope you had a good Christmas.
I have noticed that winter service work has been a bit slower this year. There has been enough to keep us busy but not frantic which is actually quite relaxing.
Its down to the mid and wet autumn where the grass has not stopped growing and folk have been reluctant to send their kit in for service. Its going to come pouring in straight after the New Year, so dont worry, it always evens out.


Quote from: GardenKit on December 29, 2023, 10:56:33 AMIts down to the mid and wet autumn where the grass has not stopped growing and folk have been reluctant to send their kit in for service. Its going to come pouring in straight after the New Year, so dont worry, it always evens out.

Hi Barrie.  I wish I had your confidence.  I would normally say the same that it evens out etc, but for us something is really different this year for some reason. Maybe I'm getting paranoid in my old age. lol..

Wishing you a great 2024 though.  :tup:
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Two dealers I use and know well both said the same.  Both have shortened their shop hours.  One even started being closed Saturdays until things pick up.   


Hi, and welcome to TGMF.  8)

So it's not just here in the UK then, you're in the US aren't you?

Things are now very slowly picking up, but it's been the worst 4+ months I've seen so far.
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Hello Mick, Thank you for the welcome.  Yes, I am in Minnesota. 

Gregs mowing

Hectic here in Surrey at MPS Garden Machinery. 5/6 week wait to get onto the bench. Dozens of ride ons pre booked for service.
Phones little quieter than a week or two ago but once it dries up a little and people get their mowers out and panic because it won't work the phones will explode again.

Maybe in some areas of the country people either have more gardeners and the casual car boot beer money gardener and some use cheap mowers from bnq then replace every other year.


Was a bit like it this winter Mick, I agree with Greg quite a few of my regulars were late booking this year as they were convinced it would stop raining for one more cut. I can confirm it didn't stop here in Cornwall. Now it's mental I've got statermotor and water in fuel jobs left right and centre.


Just out of interest had a ding dong with a customer you seemed to believe he was the only one with a broken mower. What sort of times are you all taking, phone call to bench as it were then time to repait on top?


Quote from: Jrich179 on May 11, 2024, 07:59:33 PMWas a bit like it this winter Mick, I agree with Greg quite a few of my regulars were late booking this year as they were convinced it would stop raining for one more cut. I can confirm it didn't stop here in Cornwall. Now it's mental I've got statermotor and water in fuel jobs left right and centre.

Hi Jrich179, and welcome to TGMF.  ;)

Yep it's the same here, it's finally stopped raining, grass is growing like crazy now the temperature has gone up.

Quote from: Jrich179 on May 11, 2024, 08:02:38 PMJust out of interest had a ding dong with a customer you seemed to believe he was the only one with a broken mower. What sort of times are you all taking, phone call to bench as it were then time to repait on top?

You always get a few customers like that.  knuppel  I've scaled down a bit now so can be a bit more selective to what I take in.  Probably a couple of weeks behind, then depends if I can get the parts should I need them, I mean other than normal service parts..

I've no idea what other dealers waiting times are.
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