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Hayter Harrier 48pro Rattle

Started by JED, May 30, 2024, 07:58:41 AM

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I am new here, and just looking for some advice please.  I have a hayter harrier 48pro (about 2021 i think) that has developed an annoying rattle which i think is only when you engage the blades.  Possibly very slight when blades aren't engaged but still not sure if I'm imagining this?

Is this a common problem with these, has anyone come across it?  Before I start stripping it apart, anything to look out for, or any good places to start?  I've not had one of these with the blade clutch in the past so not taken them apart before.  May save a lot of time if i can go straight to the issue!
Many thanks!


Hi Jed, and welcome to TGMF.

I think I know what the problem is, but before I delve into this I would first check the blade disc is located properly on the boss first, it should be located on to the two pegs protruding from the boss, and it should sit really flat on the face of the boss without rocking.

I say this because the middle of the blade disc can get bent out of shape if someone has done the blade up tight without locating the disc on the lugs.  This can cause a rattle and vibration.

Second thing would be to check the upper half of the bbc pulley and make sure it hasn't come loose from its hub. If it has it will make the bbc belt idler arm oscillate and cause a rattle. Eventually the top half will break up if loose. Like this one,

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Looks a great source of info and place to share ideas!
Thanks for your reply Mick, really appreciate it - gives me somewhere to start!


The blade disc was located as it should.
Stuck my hand up and upper bbc pulley didn't seem to be loose (presume it'd feel loose if it was?)
Have taken black plastic cover off behind engine, won't do any harm to run it without the blade and see if I can pin it down?
Also what is the correct socket size for blade bolts on these? Got it off but not sure i was using correct socket.
Sorry, many questions!


Quote from: JED on June 03, 2024, 12:04:52 PMThe blade disc was located as it should.
Stuck my hand up and upper bbc pulley didn't seem to be loose (presume it'd feel loose if it was?)
Have taken black plastic cover off behind engine, won't do any harm to run it without the blade and see if I can pin it down?
Also what is the correct socket size for blade bolts on these? Got it off but not sure i was using correct socket.
Sorry, many questions!

Socket for blade bolt is normally 9/16"

I would tip the machine on its side (oil filler down) and remove the plastic cover underneath, it's only 6 bolts and you will be able to see everything from there.

Also check the small drive pulley nearest the engine hasn't come loose, it's only held onto the top of the bbc pulley with a grub screw. And check the bbc belt hasn't got any chunks missing out of it.
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