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Echo pb8010 running

Started by Gregs mowing, April 06, 2024, 10:37:40 AM

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Gregs mowing

Hi. Got echo pb8010 in for repair. Wouldn't start.
Cleaned carb. Reconnected bottom hose the the clearer hose and new fuel filter. New spark plug. Started fine.
However when I took the spark plug boot off the boot came away from the lead. Put the lead back in the hole as best as I can by pushing it. Started fine.

However it can run very well and normal. It then it bogs down a bit.
Had a lot of smoke initially from exhaust. Think machine has been left outside for a bit.
Wondering why it would run rough on occasion?
Ticks over fine.



Does it respond to adjustment?

Also did you fit new diaphragms in the carb when you cleaned it?  Possibly the metering diaphragm has stiffened up with fresh fuel etc. 
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Gregs mowing

I don't see any high or low adjustment screws.
Maybe it needs new diaphragm and gaskets. They were kept on the machine. Would that also explain why it seems to be slightly leaking down the pipe?


There should be a one adjustment screw near the bottom of the carb, might be hidden under a blanking plug.  And another one in the centre of throttle rota on the top.

I would fit a set of diaphragms and gaskets though to at least eliminate those from being an issue.
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