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Messages - Gregs mowing

On Your Bench / Re: What's on your Workbench today?
October 23, 2021, 09:12:24 PM
Got a new 579 56 pro. Got drive issues. Put new chain and sprockets on. Re greased the pins and new bearings and roller end caps.
Drive is not working. When I lift the mower the roller then spins. Thinking gearbox faulty? It is covered in black oil....
I tried new belts. Changed the small one of but the big one looks a pig to do.
Help much appreciated.
I think a few places will ban it. However controlling what every household uses and every contractor is pretty pathetic. The fuel needs to be cleaner - that's where aspen comes into play.
Lawn mowers / Plastic
October 07, 2020, 08:15:25 PM
When will the stubborn companies. Hayter and Honda primarily do plastic boxes for their machines? The mowers with plastic boxes  Stihl mowers and Etesia all have a reputation of collecting wet grass. Mesh doesn't work all year. In the dry only.

Answers with proper answers  saying such and such will be making a box only please, not a debate.
On Your Bench / Re: What's on your Workbench today?
April 16, 2020, 05:52:55 PM
Interesting to see the weibang. How old was it? So basically the ratchets didn't work anymore? Sounds familiar.

I see the 5 holes inside the roller for that black ring to sit in but what's the other 2 holes for?  I'm guessing those shiny bushes sit inside the roller. Similar to those oilite ones inside the new hayters?
The design of that black ring the inside was the same style as inside the rear wheels of my Toro proline which basically acts same sort of thing for the spilt wheel drive mechanism. What's the outer roller bearings like?
Hayter / Re: Harrier 56 Pro, 579A / 579B
April 12, 2020, 06:26:17 PM
Well all depends how a machine is used I guess. I have a 41 pro that after being used 1 day a week throughout last few years I finally worked out how the drive system all works. I even had a new plastic bush/bearing and compared to the ones from the machine. They hadn't worn down at all. however after seeing this post I am likely to be looking at my Toro prostripe during the winter and giving everything a good clean up and grease.

I do agree that the big sprocket is on the cheap side. seems like a flat sprocket where before they would have a collar and seemed a nicer material. it does fit on the shaft nicely however as its like a rectangle shape and the end of the shaft has been made that way. Nice machining. I am not sure on the chain. Might replace end of the season if they stretch, it's my main mower and does a lot of work. I am more concerned about the cheap plastic chain cover which I heard they are changing to have some metal on. Metal strip or all metal I am not sure. Even if it's like the Stihl that's ok but does look a bit cheap, something hopefully RC can improve on.

One thing I noticed on the 56 pro initially was the split rollers didn't seem to rotate individually freely. They did after time. I did email Hayter asking if it was supposed to be tight and they did say there was a bed in period, if they found it needed adjusting they will look into tolerances. Since then it's all fine so no real complaints.

I will say my 41 pro with the polypropylene rollers have been really good. Sound better on tarmac and paths than metal rollers and they rotate individually more freely than the pro metal rollers.Though 2020 onwards they have metal rollers as too many people wore the rollers out within the warranty period. I feel they sold a lot of 41 Pros during 2017 and 2018 due to the fact it collected better than the 48 Pro at the time. So compromised on the machine cutting width but get better collection and get job done quicker and easier.

There have been a few people question Hayter testing on the new models. Starting with the BBC linkage, new er came up during Hayter testing but once the parts were made on a more production scale they had a few more tolerances and had issues. As having both new 48 pro and 56 pros. I noticed the 56 wouldn't release the BBC linkage smoothly all the time, but 48 did. Then when the first recall came the affect swapped. 48 pro was worse but 56 was fine. Then there second recall and the notch went and all was good.
Then there was the collection in the wet. Around this time last year (spring) mowers up and down the country being used commercially and lots of people finding it bad at collection and jamming up the rear rollers, not everyone had that but I had it and a local company had their 56 pro jam up fairly early on! That really does beg the question of how was it tested? Hayter said the new models had thousand of hours of testing. So why does it then take up to 2 months of use to find it isn't great and far too quick. They really should have got 10 48 pros and 10 56 pros to different contractors up and down the country. speak with the dealers try and find out who does a huge amount of mowing and get the 20 machines to those commercial guys up and down the country. Need to be used on a lot of lawns but also by the more reckless people. I am careful with my machine but plenty of oiks are not careful.
The drive speed is seriously flawed. 48 pro far too quick for lots of people. 56 too. why didn't Hayter make things easy and just put 3 speed gearbox in both pros. I have heard the 3 speed Toro gearbox won't fit in the 48 pro. Huge disaster for cutting in different wether conditions and grass conditions.

The other problem I have and others have is the mesh bag isn't the best. Gets clogged up too quickly. Seen other bags that are a lot lighter and the issue is the air can't escape. Maybe look at Etesia with their mesh bags and the grass flaps has holes in the edges that goes next to the side of the bag. But plastic box is the best answer but companies are daft at times. Another issue with suggestions and costs. Hayter wanted the 56 pro to be in the same range as the lawnflite etc. So why has it got cheaper parts up and down the machine and a cheaper nasty engine. Look at the wheels - others have metal wheels. Bearings differ and the engine. I would love to try the 56 pro with a briggs and a Honda gxv engine.

Other than that lovely machines to use and Hayter do seem to see what's going on and they are listening.
Hayter / Re: Harrier 480 Chain cover.
January 31, 2020, 09:24:05 PM
never taken the backend out of one of those models myself but herd it was tricky esp compared to the 219 models, any easy way to do it or video?
Hayter / Re: Toro Prostripe vs Hayter 56 Pro Compared.
January 27, 2020, 08:00:51 AM
Well the Kawasaki has a nice set up for tuning. I don't believe any mower will last a season on factory settings esp when it comes to bagging wet grass. Unless it has a plastic box. So to be able to tune the engine and adjust the choke etc all to suit and for it to produce so much power and last a while it's awesome. The fj180 has a nice party mode. Cold start up it smokes a bit. I like that.
Briggs you bend bits to make it rev and that's a bit naf. Honda gxv has a range of holes and a funky screw to adjust which is ok.

Other than that the build quality is great. Lots of metal. Little amount of cheap plastic.
Toro / Re: Toro Recycler
January 26, 2020, 10:02:52 AM
Oh wow. Have fun with the scraper or jetwash.
Hayter / Re: Who's got one of the new Hayter Harrier's
January 22, 2020, 10:03:10 PM
Thanks Mick :tup:
Hayter / Re: Who's got one of the new Hayter Harrier's
January 22, 2020, 08:35:21 AM
Ok I'll look into it. Thanks
Hayter / Re: Who's got one of the new Hayter Harrier's
January 19, 2020, 09:30:29 PM
found the 56 made a rattly metallic sound when blade engaged. this 56 pro with variable speed box isn't comfortable to use. top speed too fast for me. thats why I prefer the prostripe when it comes to bagging esp in damp or worse conditions, in the dry its no problem.
Lawn mowers / CHAIN COVERS
January 12, 2020, 04:50:04 PM
So what mowers have the best chain covers? The stihl is plastic with a metal strip on the bottom edges. Weibang are metal with a thick bit of metal from the same spec of metal as the blade on the corner that gets worn more. Hayter are just plastic and I've seen from my local dealer they are replacing them like mad. NEW 56 pro had a hole big enough for a golf ball to get through and that's only a season, appalling. It should be made so after 2 years off use that's when you want to start thinking about replacing belts and chain covers.
Hayter / Re: Who's got one of the new Hayter Harrier's
January 12, 2020, 04:46:13 PM
Got them all  ;D  far too quick, the previous 56 pro (566) was just about bearable but useless in the wet. I did the speed reduction kit on the 41, easy to do. Had it done on 48 pro, new crank pulley and gearbox pulley. Seemed that the chain cover was exactly the same to me. However I did use the new one. Problem is Hayter did a lot of market research when developing the mowers which is great. But if you are asked in the summer when its bone dry do you want a quick mower or a slow one. 9 times out of 10 you are going to say quick, pro users anyway. The vari speed seems good for domestic but I would have preferred to see a 3 speed box in all the harrier pros, just like weibang and luckily the glorified 56 the Prostripe. So it allows you the freedom of going very slow and nice walking pace which helps in the wet then fastest when its bone dry. If they done that I doubt they will get everyone moaning its too quick as you can change the speed, where 41,48 are single speed so its a bit limited. And the 3 speed box wont fit the 48 deck.
Other Lawnmowers / Re: Roller mowers and gearboxes.
January 12, 2020, 04:36:19 PM
Never heard about cobras drive before but suggests pretty shabby testing used when designing the mower. Think the 2 beefiest gearboxes out there are the hydro from the hrh 4 wheel and the weibang 3 speed. Both different designs. Hope hayter have better luck with gearboxes than in the past, my 41 pro has lasted 3 years so far...