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Air filter location

Started by Eric G, December 09, 2024, 02:23:59 PM

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Eric G

Hi. Can anyone please tell me where the air filter is located on this machine, and how to access it?

Castlegarden XC36

I was going to attach a photo but don't know how to. I don't understand 'Insert width (px)' etc.

Thank you.


Hi Eric, and welcome to TGMForum.

I haven't seen one of those machines, but according to this parts diagram online, it's part listed 17.

I suspect you'll have to remove the top cover to access it, looks like two screws to get it off.
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Eric G

Thanks, Mick. I started to remove the top cover - removed the two screws at the front - but wasn't sure what was holding onto the rear and didn't want to force anything. I'll have another go tomorrow.


Eric, no problem.  If you look at the part list in the link I gave you it shows the screw on the rear of the cover number 14

Let me know how it goes.  ;)
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Eric G

Thanks, Mick. I don't why I didn't see that screw on the parts list. Having got the cover off I found that I don't need to remove it to get at the air filter - it just pulls up from the outside; D'oh! ;D

Anyway, the reason I wanted access to the air filter is because I can't get the engine to run; it keeps bogging down (if that's the right expression). But it doesn't seem to be the filter that's at fault because even with the filter out it is still the same.

I'm wondering if the exhaust may be clogged up but, as yet, I don't have a torx driver long enough and thin enough to get in there.


Quote from: Eric G on December 10, 2024, 10:49:05 AMI found that I don't need to remove it to get at the air filter - it just pulls up from the outside

Eric, I do apologise. When I looked at that diagram I did wonder if it pulled straight out of the top, but then thought it was just a cutaway picture showing where it goes. In my defence I did say I've never seen one of those machines before.  :-[

We both learnt something.  ;)  Perhaps a good time to give it a clean up under there while it's off.   
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Eric G

No need to appologise, Mick, I'm the one with the machine in front of me   :D . I did give it a long overdue clean this morning; a task made much easier since my son-in-law gave me an old air compressor.

I've just ordered a set of long-reach torx bits, so hopefully I'll be able to get the exhaust off, though whether I'll be able to do anything when it comes off remains to be seen.

Whatever happens, I do appreciate all your help.

Eric G


Success; Got the machine running. As I thought The exhaust was clogged up.

I got the exhaust off easily enough but there is no removable spark arrestor and no way to get inside to access it so I could burn off the carbon.

I tried to set light to the carbon using one of those long lighters but every time I inserted the flame it went out, no doubt due to lack of oxygen.

So I put the exhaust on top of a cast-iron chiminea and used a blow torch, though I'm not sure if it was carbon that was burning or oil as it  did look very oily in there.


Cool, glad you got it sorted. 

I've had to burn out several blocked exhausts over the years, either by using a blowlamp, or oxy acetylene gun, followed by a good kick around the workshop floor to remove the loosened carbon.  ;)

At least you'll know what to look for next time it happens.  :tup:
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Eric G

Thanks Mick.

Next thing I've got to do is sort out a Flymo XLT250 strimmer that refuses to start, but that's for another day.

Eric G

Darn it!  I spoke too soon. Tried to cut some logs today for my woodturning and half-way through the first slice of the first log it started 'bogging' again.

Looks like it's got to go into the repair shop after Christmas. On which note;

Happy Christmas to you, Mick, and everyone else on here.

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