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Tamarack Ridge

Started by MillRat, February 21, 2024, 04:57:37 PM

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Well, I do have a few atv repair vids I made. But Mostly outdoor activity type stuff.


You have some amazing videos on your channel, still haven't watched them all yet, but I will.  Thanks for sharing.  :tup:
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Thanks. Just me being me, mostly at my cabin in the U.P.


You're very lucky to have all that space to unwind in.  That pond of yours, does it have any wildlife in it. Fish, frogs, toads etc?
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Its unbelievable the life in that pond! Whe I tookover ownership of the property, you could walk right by it and never know it was there is was so grown up and grown in. I LOVE THAT POND!!

I have a playlist for the pond of all the work I have done on it, from beginning to now.

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